Virtualization with Ovirt
TechGates Offering a Robust and Reliable Virtualization Solution that can reduce your IT cost by mind blowing rate. oVirt is a complete virtualization management platform, licensed and developed as open source software. oVirt builds on the powerful Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor, and on the RHEV-M management server released by Red Hat to the open source community.
Open your Virtual Datacenter

RedHat Enterprise Virtualization as Ovirt
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) is Red Hat Inc.'s server virtualization platform.
RHEV Manager, also called the RHEV-M management console, provides a Web Interface for managing virtual machines (VMs) running on physical nodes. The nodes themselves can be configured with the RHEV-H hypervisor or as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) servers with a virtualization entitlement. In an effort by Red Hat to be 100% open source, RHEV management is browser-based and can be accessed from any platform. RHEV does not mandate any specific storage requirements, but it contains a central storage repository. The underlying kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) hypervisor is integrated into the Linux kernel, which allows for cost savings as well as security and performance improvements over other platforms.
oVirt is a free platform virtualization management web application community project started by Red Hat. oVirt is built on libvirt which could allow it to manage virtual machines hosted on supported backend KVM. oVirt is open source software with backing from Red Hat and it is the base for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization.
Powerd by KVM
KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). It consists of a loadable kernel module, kvm.ko, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor specific module, kvm-intel.ko or kvm-amd.ko. KVM also requires a modified QEMU although work is underway to get the required changes upstream.
Using KVM, one can run multiple virtual machines running unmodified Linux or Windows images. Each virtual machine has private virtualized hardware: a network card, disk, graphics adapter, etc.
KVM is known to be the Leading Virtualization Platform in Datacenter Virtualization and Cloud Computing. Ovirt takes advantage of it and bring it to the Enterprise.

Ovirt Engine

The oVirt administrator portal provides a graphical management system for administrators to manage virtual machines, templates, desktops, storage, clusters, and datacenters
Reduce Your license cost by 100%
Ovirt is an Opensource product absolutely comes with no paid license or subscriptions. You only pay for initial implementation and support. Our RedHat Virtualization Certified professionals are ready to meet your demands and build your own state of Art Virtual IT infrastructure.
Key Features
Manage multiple virtual machines
Choice of stand-alone Hypervisor or install-on-top of your existing Linux installation
Sophisticated user interface allows management of all aspects of your datacenter
Add new hypervisor nodes easily and centrally
High availability
Live migration of VMs from one hypervisor to another
Load balancing
Monitor resource usage on VMs
Manage quotas for use of resources (storage, compute, network)
Web-based management interface
Self-hosted engine
iSCSI, FC, NFS, and local storage
Scalability: up to 64 vCPU and 2TB vRAM per guest