Soft Phone
Take an advantage of your Desktop, Laptop and Smartphone, make them into a virtual office phone with Enterprise grade Phone features. Cross platform supports Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and IOS. Much more convenient way to communicate like never before, now your both hands on the computer while you processing the customer request, you can be more efficient than you were back in the day. This is an ideal solution for a Call center that you are planning to implement.
Desktop Application (PC)

Smart Phone APP (Android)

Soft Phone Features
HIG Compliant GUI
Contact centric interface: preferred contacts can be listed in the main user interface
Contact’s presence display: Offline, Away, Busy, Online status
Separate call Tabs
Desktop wide notifications
Call Hold
Call Transfer
Call Forwarding
DTMFs Support
Call History
Call Monitoring
Call Auto-Answer
HD sound quality
13 audio codecs supported; including G.711